Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Zero day in Hot Springs, NC tomorrow.

Got off the phone with Melissa a short time ago. She has no service with her phone and was borrowing one to call me.

They are taking a 0 day tomorrow to rest, rejuvenate and so Melissa can talk to her hubby for more than five minutes. They did 20 miles on Easter Sunday so blew right past all expected stops. Hot Springs, NC is at mile 270.7 NoBo. That makes 32.2 miles in just two days. Now that is some hiking. With sore tired feet and satisfaction of a job well done, they will take a well deserved day off.

Melissa is sorry she didn't call Sunday because they were too intent on putting on miles. She is borrowing a phone so she can talk for a few hours with Tyler. She hopes to call me after that, but we will all understand if she forgoes updating us for extra time on the phone with Tyler. She thinks she should have internet access so her Facebook page will hopefully have some photos which I'll repost here for everyone to enjoy.

I'm getting more background info trickling in as the people they've hiked with come off the trail and pass along stories. This will serve well to fill in the days that we don't hear from them and give us more details of what they are experiencing.

Hot Springs won't know what hit them when Tripwire, Hollywood and Julia Child, AKA The Kickin Cousins, and a whole host of thru-hikers get through with it. From what I'm learning, Melissa is doing what she does so well; Getting many individuals who normally would be independent grouped together to enjoy each others company en-masse. 


  1. We had an awesome night last night. Updates to come soon. I wasn't able to make it to a computer today :(

  2. I did get to have a very nice long chat with my hubby a bitter sweet.
