Sunday, April 03, 2011

Checkin after day three

 Melissa just texted me from the trail. She has blisters on her blisters but is in great spirits. They hiked 13 miles yesterday and 10 today.  Lots of duct tape is in use to try and keep down on the blisters, but they are sure to happen this early in on the trail no matter what. Considering she's breaking in all of her equipment while on the trail this is to be expected. Sore feet is a complaint that will be with them from beginning to end, to be sure.

Jordan is doing well. He's eating 4 cups of food a day right now. So each shipment should cover 8 days. I'll weight out the food on the next delivery and fill you in on how much he is carrying. Jordan is mostly self sufficient on the food front. He has a pack too and is holding carrying his own food water and bowls.

They are working on their trail names now. Earning your trail name is a part of the social aspect of hiking the AT. It's a name you either pick out early in or earn along the trail. Jordan's trail name is Tripwire. I'm sure he's earned it well. Melissa is Hollywood. I had to call her parents for some information and found that Christina is Julia Child. Scatcatcher or Snake. She seems to find these before anyone else does.  I found out Christina's dad Peter is on the beginning of the trail with them too. His trail name is Tooter. or Toot.

I'll probably start referring to them by their trail names once they settle in on them. It makes the adventure feel that much closer. I'm sure some of the stories she will tell throughout the trip will use trail names only.

She's in the woods right now and the service is crappy. Tomorrow they'll be headed into town and I'll get more details. Once I have more to share I'll fill you, my readers, in so everyone can enjoy a hike through the AT even if it's vicariously.

So there you have it at the end of day three. Bedtime comes early on the trail. I'm writing this at 8:30 and I expect they are all asleep by now.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bud! It was really nice to read this. You have a way with words too. I am looking forward to reading more.
