Saturday, April 02, 2011

Mail drop one headed to North Carolina

Well, I sent out my first shipment of dog food to Jordan. Jordan is my friend Melissa's dog and they are both taking a life changing adventure. They are on day three of the Appalachian Trail. She is hiking with her cousin as well as Jordan. I've got the proud pleasure of being one of their mail drop locations. I'm responsible for shipping out the food and other needs for Jordan and the girls and receiving shipments from them.

I'll keep everyone posted on their progress here. I sent 32 cups of food and Mushers Secret to the Fontana Dam Post Office. They should get in there soon for the pickup.

At last report they had done 9 miles on their first day. No report back of the second day. I'll encourage Melissa to ship back her note books so I can transpose them for her. With her permission I'll stat a new blog specifically for the trip. If that happens, I'll post a link here.
Fontana Dam here they come.
Good luck Jordan. Oh and good luck Melissa and Christina too ;-)

Map of the AT in pdf format

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