Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Letter to everyone from Melissa.

Hello all,

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting an update. Since my internet access is limited please follow my (Jordan's) blog for weekly (or so) updates. It is being written by my dear friend Bud who is mailing me all of Jordan's food while I am on the trail, I call him when I can to let him know what we're up to. He posts the link on my wall when he updates the blog.

FB has no spell check so bear with me.

We, me my cousin Christina (Julia Child's), my uncle Peter (Tail Wind), friend Dennis (Y-Knot) and Jordan (Trip Wire), hit the approach trail on April 1st, the approach trail is 8.8 miles and is not an part of the AT, it is the trail that leads to the AT. So we technically didn't start hiking the AT until April 2nd. Currently we (minus my uncle) are in Fontana Dam, NC. We will leave tomorrow morning to start the Smokies. A 70 miles stretch that is known for it's difficultly. Jordan is not allowed in the Smokies and I was very sad to leave him today. :(
Y-Know and Maureen will be leaving us half way through then Julia and I will be on our own.

We have had amazing weather thus far. We've only had to hike in the rain once, well technically twice but the first time was only for 10-15 min. Other than the one day of rain it's been in the 70's most days. We've had a few really cold days but mostly cold nights and mornings. Our best mileage has been on our cold or rainy days. 15.8 on the rainy day and 15.1 yesterday on a very cold and windy day, walking fast keeps you warm :). We've been averaging 10-12 miles a day and have hiked over 140 AT miles.

Our first week we were living in what I like to call the Melissa Bubble, where we hit trail magic every day and some days twice a day. Trail magic is any random act of kindness by a stranger, generally burgers, hotdogs and candy when the trail meets a road crossing (oh and fruit too, fruit is a precious commodity on the trail).
We're having a great time and have met a ton of awesome people. We're at the point now where we know a pretty decent group and see/camp with them often. People are at the point where they've started to figure out their pace so I assume we will stay near most of the people we are with now.

My body doesn't hurt like it used to and my feet seem to finally be adjusting to the weight and abuse. Thanks to my parents for sending me lots of socks and new insoles. THANK GOD! For a while Ibuprofen was a side dish for all meals but now I only take 2 every day or other day.

My pack generally weighs around 30-35 pounds depending on how many cookies my mom sends :) For the record, cookies are heavy but worth carrying.

I'm not sure what else to tell you... I have so many stories and so little time.

Lightning is very scary where you're in a tent surrounded by trees, everyone thinks having a dog in camp is a safeguard against bears (not sure how I feel about that), all you can eat is like music to my ears and GAP is a four letter word. Gap - a low point between two mountains, meaning you walk down a lot but then you have to go up....

Many of you have given me suggestions of how I can keep you all updated from the trail "don't you have a smart phone"... While I would love to keep you all updated more regularly and probably could by using my phone and other methods, I don't want to, it's an inconvenience. I want to experience the AT for what it is and not be on my phone uploading pictures and my status every night. I want to be social with my hiking buddies and sit at the fire and what not.

Besides the fact that I am in the woods and have no way to charge my phone (yes I've heard all the suggestions that go along with that comment too, again an inconvenience). Yes we come to town every 4 or so days but we are very rushed from the min we get here till the min we leave. There is a lot to do in a small amount of time and finding a computer is difficult esp. one that works well. Most have a 30 min time limit, like this one which I have gone way over.

I will do my best to upload pictures and leave FB notes but I am sorry it won’t be as often as you all probably had hoped. Again, please follow my/Jordan’s blog written by Bud. The best way to get a hold of me is through text message, I can generally get and send those with little to no service. I am happy to answer any questions people have but please allow a few days for me to get back to you as I typically don't check my phone on the trail.

I miss you all!! I wish you could all be here! I expect to see lots of you when we hit NH!! If you can't hike you can still bring us candy and beer :) or drive us to hotels (aka shower and laundry).

We're having a great time! An experience of a lifetime for sure!!

If you are interested in sending me mails please contact Bud Green (on FB).
I hope all is well!! Happy Trails



  1. So nice to hear from you! Glad that your feet have adjusted and it sounds like you are having an awesome time. Looking forward to (hopefully) meeting up with you in NH, it'll be here before we know it. The updates you give Bud to blog about are great, I love reading them and keeping up with you - keep 'em coming :)

  2. I'm so jealous of your experience!! I would love to do what you are doing!! I love this blog, makes me feel like I am there! keep up the awesome work!!
