Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jordan Eats Chinese and DQ.

So when the group stopped in Hiawassee, GA a couple days ago, they went out to an 'all you can eat' Chinese Food buffet. Melissa tied up Jordan outside the restaurant and, in typical J-Dog fashion, he started barking soon after everyone sat down to eat in an attempt to get someone to come pet him. He has it in his head that if he barks constantly, people coming by will pet him. Counterintuitive to us, that's true, but hey, he's a dog after all.

So after a few minutes of barking, the waitress at the restaurant asked the group if Jordan belonged with them. Melissa said yes, and apologized for the barking. She figured the waitress was gearing up to ask her to do something with him because of the barking. Instead, the waitress asked if it would be OK if she went out and gave him a piece of chicken. I guess she thought he was barking because he was hungry or a piece of chicken would make him stop. Hollywood told her it was OK and she went out, gave him some chicken and petted him for a bit.

She came back inside and a little while later, Jordan started barking again. This time, the waitress just up and walked out with another piece of chicken. It was as if Jordan was asking for more and she was serving him up just like she was doing for the patrons inside.

Jordan's no dummy, despite how he acts sometimes, and quickly figured out to wait, bark, get chicken, get attention, wait, rinse and repeat. She had gone out four times before they had finished their meal. He got to eat Chinese along with the rest of them.

His mom also gave him a nice treat at the DQ they stopped off at once the buffet was devastated. Our pal Jordan has his humans wrapped right around his paw.

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