Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jordan's buddies on the trail

Jordan has been making friends as well as Melissa and Christina. He met up with Kiwi early on along the trail.Kiwi is a girl. No matter how long the day is, if Kiwi is in the camp, they play together like puppies.
They lost Kiwi and her human when they got off the trail in Franklin, but Jordan hopes to see his trail girlfriend again.

 And here is Jordan's buddy Tork. Tork and Jordan are both boys. They get along great too. They are camp friends. Their humans have setup camp almost every night in the same places. They love hanging out together. They are all through hikers so we expect to read more tails about them.

Along with all kinds of new friends, Jordan will have plenty of company on the trail too.

Jordan has started to get used to the backpack and the daily trek. He's up to his old tricks anyone who's hiked with him knows. Running forward, then dashing back to clip his mom in the legs, then a bump from behind as he dashes up the trail again.

Our next expected contact should be Fontana Dam. 


  1. Tripwire, a.k.a. Backtrack, easily covers twice the distance each day, as he goes back and forth between Hollywood and whoever is ahead of her, or simply running ahead only to come back. In steeper sections he will sit and wait, and not back track, but not very often!

  2. Haha Jordan always makes friends everywhere he goes! He can have all the trail girlfriends he wants, you just tell him Pinot is here waiting for him when he returns :)
