Thursday, April 21, 2011

An idea of what it is like hiking through the Smokies

While we wait to hear word from our weary travelers, I found this really great video taken
by someone who hiked in in 2009. The weather you see is very similar to what they are exoeriencing now. Thanks to youtube user    For the cool video. 

They most likely made it over Clingmans dome today. Highest peak up and over, but it's far from downhill the rest of the way.


  1. Again, my thanks for your informative and entertaining blog! A suggestion for others: Netflix has a 60 minute documentary on the Appalachian Trail by National Geographic that is a "view now" you can stream to tv or computer. Gives a good overview of the terrain of the 4 sections of the trail. Melissa suggested it before she left & I finally got around to it last night. I definitely have a new level of respect for her bravery & determination! Doreen

  2. I'm going to put that into my Netflix queue. Thanks for the heads up Doreen.
