Thursday, April 14, 2011

Greetings from the N.O.C.

I just heard from Melissa. They are at the Nantahala Outdoor Center Also known as 'The NOC'. The NOC is a large complex at the intersection of the AT and the Nantahala River. They have bunks, river rafting, alpine towers and all sorts of outdoor activities there. Most importantly for the through-hikers, shower and laundry facility are there too. I supplied links above so you can check the place out.

This puts them at mile 135.2 NoBo. They've had five really good days putting miles behind them. Tuesday it rained all day. Although it was wet, they were able to stay cool and motivated and put on 16.8 Miles. That was their highest mile day so far. Jordan was in heaven. He got covered in mud and rolled around in it at every opportunity. He left the dried mud for mommy to clean out of the tent the next morning. I'll introduce you to a couple of his fellow canine trail buddies in the next post.

They have started getting into the swing of things mileage wise. Melissa is still having issues with her feet and thinks it is her hiking shoes. The blisters are healing, though. Her mom has sent socks and insoles and they are helping somewhat. A new pair of shoes is what she really needs, but the outfitter at the NOC and the one at Fontana Dam are pretty limited. She will try replacing them after that. It is the balls of her feet that ache after a day of hauling a heavy pack over the trail that gets her.

Jordan is the camp chowhound. He is adored by everyone as you can imagine and gets fed all the food he isn't supposed to have. Fortunately he is working so hard during the days that the human food isn't affecting him in the ways it would if he were at home. He is barking less now when he is in the tent. It's only when people move around in the dead of night that he gets riled up now.

 Keep the comments coming, Melissa says thank you for sharing the journey with her.

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