Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Northeast. Where Stone shelters become the norm.

The crew hiked 16 miles in 98% humidity into Fingerboard shelter Mile 1380.0 NoBo. I did some looking up of the shelter and had to post some pictures of it. I think it looks really cool and the view it looks out over is phenomenal.

They are hiking through Harriman State Park. They should hike through Bear Mountain State Park tomorrow and land in Fort Montgomery, NY 1395.6 NoBo. With day after day of hiking to awesome spots hanging out with cool like minded people and seeing views so spectacular they will never be able to fully describe them to us, you can understand why some find it bittersweet to end the adventure of a lifetime at Katahdin.
Many thanks to The Creak Of Boots blog, and, for the pictures.

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