Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Days away from the blog. New York down. Connecticut is under their feet

I apologize that I haven't kept up with the blog. Life and its crazy ups and downs drew me away from the written page.

At last report, there were three. Sculler, Hollywood and Backtrack. Sno had hiked on. He missed the crew and 24 hours after that post he held up while they caught up with him. The flow of the blog made me forget to mention it.

But we are down by one more now. Sculler has left the trail. She had to return to her work-a-day job as a Sculling coach. We wish her well on her continued quest to complete the Appalachian Trail.

Melissa had a visit from home friends in NY so they took a zero over the weekend. Back on the trail again they are now all the way up into Connecticut. It has been difficult keeping up because Hollywood has cut back on her texts to me about their daily activities. She is tuned into the trail and the goal of completing the task. So much so that, even though she wants us all to know where she is and keep encouraging her, she is so focused on the experience of trail life that contact to the outside world takes a back seat. Also with her being in telephone range more often now, she naturally uses facebook, e-mail and direct texting to friends and family more often.

I've mostly kept you apprised of their location due to Sculler reporting in. I hear from Hollywood when it is food drop time. So now that it is Sno, Hollywood and Backtrack together, you may only get updates every ten days or so. When I get an update, be assured, I'll report it to you.

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