Monday, July 18, 2011

A quick Update. Details to follow

I apologize that this post is so short, but life here in my world is forcing htis one to be a quick update.

Hollywood called and we chatted about a lot of nothing for a while. It was so nice to have a long chat with her. I can only synopsize right now. I will try to fill in the details on the next post.

Coconut is off the trail right now. She came down with something and had to take today and tomorrow off the trail in Salisbury Ct. She is feeling fine, but her lungs are bothering her. Antibiotics are on their way and I'm sure she will be healthy as a horse very soon and back on the trail to Katahdin.

Backtrack's new pack is working out. The story of his old one breaking and a failed attempt to repair is a good one I'll tell you soon. He has visited the Dr's office. He has a game leg that caused Hollywood some concern. She went in and also asked the doc if Backtrack was too thin. 'If only all the dogs I see were this healthy' was the reply. He looks thin only when compared to what some people think a 'healthy' Lab should look. But most dogs, like the vast majority of everything else in the USA, are slightly to very overweight. Backtrack is a lean mean hiking machine.

Hollywood and Holly Mom (A trail name in the making?) are at the Tom Leonard Lean-To 1519.6 NoBo. Despite ton of humidity she has been doing well with an average of 14 miles a day. Last night they were at the Hemlock Lean-To 1505.2 NoBo. Like every new hiker, she has brought some items that could be pared down. Among the extra items is an air horn. We cracked up at that one. The thought behind bringing one is completely understandable. Hollywood is the trail veteran looking at the first timer and reflecting on how much crap she had packed with herself initially.

Today they hiked through the East Mountain State Forest, and tomorrow will be the Beartown State Forest.

There you have it. Short and sweet.

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