Thursday, July 14, 2011

Coconut catches Hollywood in Fort Kent. Montana's disband. Big food drop.

I got a food drop request from Hollywood. Her parents are headed down to visit with her this weekend and her mom is joining her on the trail for a while.

Doreen shot me off a couple trail progress pictures. As you may remember, Doreen is a former workmate of Hollywood's. They have kept track of her progress at their workplace. Here are the latest locaiton pictures. Thanks again Doreen for the pics.

 This picture certainly gives you the idea of what they've hiked so far. Amazing to look at it on a map.

Sno hiked on so the Big Montana's are officially disbanded. We wish Sno the best of luck in completing his thru-hike. I'm packaging up 20 days, yes you read that right, 20 days of food. The plan is that when her parents first show up, she will grab 10 days for Jordan. Then, when mom gets off the trail and dad comes to pick her up, he'll already have 10 more days ready to go.

Just as Sno left, Coconut had rejoined her. They met up in Kent, Ct. The original group, 'Jordan the Wonder Dog, his mom Melissa, and her cousin Christina.' are reunited again. This weeks special guests are Myles and Liz, Hollywood's dad and mom, respectively. 

They will meet in South Egremont MA. Liz is bringing food for all three of them. The hope is to get a week of hiking in together. Mom has been preparing with day hikes.  She is very excited to see her daughter and earn her first trail name. Hollywood is super psyched to see her parents too. Just as Coconut was thrilled to be able to spend some time while on the trail with her parents at the beginning, Hollywood is enjoying the same privilege as Melissa gets closer and closer to home.

They have had the incredible luck to have parents at both ends of the trail and lots and lots of friends meeting and assisting along the way. The adventure lies not just in the miles and miles of hiking, but the bonds created and rekindled with friends and family all along the way.

Kent, Ct is mile 1458.5 NoBo. There are multiple restaurants, an outfitter and an animal clinic.

Jordan's backpack has finally succumbed to the rigors of trail life. He has worn oit almost 1500 miles day in and day out. Many dogs go through multiple packs while on the A.T. Backtrack had kept his gear in as good a condition possible.

It fell apart today. But fear not, a new one is coming down along with the food, toe socks, flea collar, and most importantly the trail angel Myles and newest member of the group, Liz.

So there you have it, 1500 miles and the original group is back together. With less than 800 miles to go, the adventure is no less thrilling to cover and experience.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! Glad everyone's doing well, though it sounds like Coconut's come down with a cold.
