Saturday, July 23, 2011

Goodbye Muggy Mass, Hello Green Mountain State.

Holly-Mom is off the trail and resting her tired feet. She hiked with Hollywood this past week during the 90+degree days and 70+ % humidity. Despite severely oppressive heat, they put on 79.5 miles in 5 days. Tripwire and Hollywood are flying as a duo now.

Coconut is still recovering and went back home to rest up. She is still optimistic she will be able to summit with Hollywood and Tripwire. Holly-mom left the trail in 1561.2 NoBo. They spent the night in a roach motel and slackpacked Hollywood and Tripwire for 23 miles to North Adams, MA 1584.7 NoBo yesterday. There she spent last night camping in a trail angel’s yard. Sculler showed up and met her for breakfast before driving her back to the trail head.

Today should be a relatively short day and a successful crossing off of the state of Massachusetts. Hazy hot and humid weather combined with tons of mosquitoes, black flies and moth flies made Mass a miserable slog up the trail. Their days were spent in insect ridden swampy bogs with a deep canopy overhead offering shade but also super soaking humidity, fields of grass with no cover from the blazing sun overhead and, to mix it up a bit, blackberry bush obscured trails offering scratched legs but no fruit for the pain. Today she says goodbye and good riddance to Mass, and hello to Vermont, The GreenMountain State. They will stay at the Seth Warner Shelter 1591.7 NoBo. 
She is headed into the Green Mountain National Forest. The trail runs through the deepest part of the forest. For the next 49 miles there is only one cross road and it is early on. There is a 32 mile stretch that is nothing but trail. They are down to just three states. It is nice to know they are within a few hours’ drive away now. If they put on 15 miles a day every day for the next 38 days, she will peak Katahdin on September 1st as planned.

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