Saturday, July 30, 2011

NH here we come

I've only been able to keep tracks via facebook posts, but at last sign in, Hollywood and Tripwire were n Rutland VT. That puts them just at the Killington Mountain area.

Less than 60 miles to go and they will hit the Granite State. There are less than 500 miles to go in the adventure and they are still rocking on hardcore. Yesterday it was all rain, so they cut their day short at 11 miles. But the weekend is going to be rain free and I won't be surprised if, by Monday or Tuesday, New Hampshire says hello to weary walkers.

When I get the next food drop instructions, I may have some more details about the hike through Vermont.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Goodbye Muggy Mass, Hello Green Mountain State.

Holly-Mom is off the trail and resting her tired feet. She hiked with Hollywood this past week during the 90+degree days and 70+ % humidity. Despite severely oppressive heat, they put on 79.5 miles in 5 days. Tripwire and Hollywood are flying as a duo now.

Coconut is still recovering and went back home to rest up. She is still optimistic she will be able to summit with Hollywood and Tripwire. Holly-mom left the trail in 1561.2 NoBo. They spent the night in a roach motel and slackpacked Hollywood and Tripwire for 23 miles to North Adams, MA 1584.7 NoBo yesterday. There she spent last night camping in a trail angel’s yard. Sculler showed up and met her for breakfast before driving her back to the trail head.

Today should be a relatively short day and a successful crossing off of the state of Massachusetts. Hazy hot and humid weather combined with tons of mosquitoes, black flies and moth flies made Mass a miserable slog up the trail. Their days were spent in insect ridden swampy bogs with a deep canopy overhead offering shade but also super soaking humidity, fields of grass with no cover from the blazing sun overhead and, to mix it up a bit, blackberry bush obscured trails offering scratched legs but no fruit for the pain. Today she says goodbye and good riddance to Mass, and hello to Vermont, The GreenMountain State. They will stay at the Seth Warner Shelter 1591.7 NoBo. 
She is headed into the Green Mountain National Forest. The trail runs through the deepest part of the forest. For the next 49 miles there is only one cross road and it is early on. There is a 32 mile stretch that is nothing but trail. They are down to just three states. It is nice to know they are within a few hours’ drive away now. If they put on 15 miles a day every day for the next 38 days, she will peak Katahdin on September 1st as planned.

Monday, July 18, 2011

A quick Update. Details to follow

I apologize that this post is so short, but life here in my world is forcing htis one to be a quick update.

Hollywood called and we chatted about a lot of nothing for a while. It was so nice to have a long chat with her. I can only synopsize right now. I will try to fill in the details on the next post.

Coconut is off the trail right now. She came down with something and had to take today and tomorrow off the trail in Salisbury Ct. She is feeling fine, but her lungs are bothering her. Antibiotics are on their way and I'm sure she will be healthy as a horse very soon and back on the trail to Katahdin.

Backtrack's new pack is working out. The story of his old one breaking and a failed attempt to repair is a good one I'll tell you soon. He has visited the Dr's office. He has a game leg that caused Hollywood some concern. She went in and also asked the doc if Backtrack was too thin. 'If only all the dogs I see were this healthy' was the reply. He looks thin only when compared to what some people think a 'healthy' Lab should look. But most dogs, like the vast majority of everything else in the USA, are slightly to very overweight. Backtrack is a lean mean hiking machine.

Hollywood and Holly Mom (A trail name in the making?) are at the Tom Leonard Lean-To 1519.6 NoBo. Despite ton of humidity she has been doing well with an average of 14 miles a day. Last night they were at the Hemlock Lean-To 1505.2 NoBo. Like every new hiker, she has brought some items that could be pared down. Among the extra items is an air horn. We cracked up at that one. The thought behind bringing one is completely understandable. Hollywood is the trail veteran looking at the first timer and reflecting on how much crap she had packed with herself initially.

Today they hiked through the East Mountain State Forest, and tomorrow will be the Beartown State Forest.

There you have it. Short and sweet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Coconut catches Hollywood in Fort Kent. Montana's disband. Big food drop.

I got a food drop request from Hollywood. Her parents are headed down to visit with her this weekend and her mom is joining her on the trail for a while.

Doreen shot me off a couple trail progress pictures. As you may remember, Doreen is a former workmate of Hollywood's. They have kept track of her progress at their workplace. Here are the latest locaiton pictures. Thanks again Doreen for the pics.

 This picture certainly gives you the idea of what they've hiked so far. Amazing to look at it on a map.

Sno hiked on so the Big Montana's are officially disbanded. We wish Sno the best of luck in completing his thru-hike. I'm packaging up 20 days, yes you read that right, 20 days of food. The plan is that when her parents first show up, she will grab 10 days for Jordan. Then, when mom gets off the trail and dad comes to pick her up, he'll already have 10 more days ready to go.

Just as Sno left, Coconut had rejoined her. They met up in Kent, Ct. The original group, 'Jordan the Wonder Dog, his mom Melissa, and her cousin Christina.' are reunited again. This weeks special guests are Myles and Liz, Hollywood's dad and mom, respectively. 

They will meet in South Egremont MA. Liz is bringing food for all three of them. The hope is to get a week of hiking in together. Mom has been preparing with day hikes.  She is very excited to see her daughter and earn her first trail name. Hollywood is super psyched to see her parents too. Just as Coconut was thrilled to be able to spend some time while on the trail with her parents at the beginning, Hollywood is enjoying the same privilege as Melissa gets closer and closer to home.

They have had the incredible luck to have parents at both ends of the trail and lots and lots of friends meeting and assisting along the way. The adventure lies not just in the miles and miles of hiking, but the bonds created and rekindled with friends and family all along the way.

Kent, Ct is mile 1458.5 NoBo. There are multiple restaurants, an outfitter and an animal clinic.

Jordan's backpack has finally succumbed to the rigors of trail life. He has worn oit almost 1500 miles day in and day out. Many dogs go through multiple packs while on the A.T. Backtrack had kept his gear in as good a condition possible.

It fell apart today. But fear not, a new one is coming down along with the food, toe socks, flea collar, and most importantly the trail angel Myles and newest member of the group, Liz.

So there you have it, 1500 miles and the original group is back together. With less than 800 miles to go, the adventure is no less thrilling to cover and experience.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Days away from the blog. New York down. Connecticut is under their feet

I apologize that I haven't kept up with the blog. Life and its crazy ups and downs drew me away from the written page.

At last report, there were three. Sculler, Hollywood and Backtrack. Sno had hiked on. He missed the crew and 24 hours after that post he held up while they caught up with him. The flow of the blog made me forget to mention it.

But we are down by one more now. Sculler has left the trail. She had to return to her work-a-day job as a Sculling coach. We wish her well on her continued quest to complete the Appalachian Trail.

Melissa had a visit from home friends in NY so they took a zero over the weekend. Back on the trail again they are now all the way up into Connecticut. It has been difficult keeping up because Hollywood has cut back on her texts to me about their daily activities. She is tuned into the trail and the goal of completing the task. So much so that, even though she wants us all to know where she is and keep encouraging her, she is so focused on the experience of trail life that contact to the outside world takes a back seat. Also with her being in telephone range more often now, she naturally uses facebook, e-mail and direct texting to friends and family more often.

I've mostly kept you apprised of their location due to Sculler reporting in. I hear from Hollywood when it is food drop time. So now that it is Sno, Hollywood and Backtrack together, you may only get updates every ten days or so. When I get an update, be assured, I'll report it to you.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ups then Downs. Then ups then downs.

New York is proving to be the start of the big climbs. Today they put on 15 miles. five 700+ foot peaks and valleys over hard trails. Staying just off Bear Mountain. The closest campsite is the Hemlock Springs Campsite. 1397.8 NoBo.

They passed through the lowest point on the AT Mile 1395.1 NoBo.  There is a Trailside Museum and Zoo. No charge for thru-hikers but they don't allow dogs in. So Tripwire had to use the bypass This point is 124 ft above sea level. Way back two and a half months ago on April 21st, they were at the highest point, Clingmans dome 6643ft above sea level. The past few weeks they have been just as likely to go to sleep listening to highway noise and train whistles as crickets and night creatures.

A couple of Hollywood's friends, Mel and Marsh, are headed down to Long Island to meet up with her over the weekend. Marsh came by and picked up Jordan's next food drop. No postage fees for this one. Rest well trail weary hikers. The peaks and valleys continue tomorrow. Check out the the NY section of the site It gives you another taste of the beautiful acreage trhey are hiking through. There are pictures of the Lemon Squeezer sign and the world famous Lemon Squeezer itself.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Northeast. Where Stone shelters become the norm.

The crew hiked 16 miles in 98% humidity into Fingerboard shelter Mile 1380.0 NoBo. I did some looking up of the shelter and had to post some pictures of it. I think it looks really cool and the view it looks out over is phenomenal.

They are hiking through Harriman State Park. They should hike through Bear Mountain State Park tomorrow and land in Fort Montgomery, NY 1395.6 NoBo. With day after day of hiking to awesome spots hanging out with cool like minded people and seeing views so spectacular they will never be able to fully describe them to us, you can understand why some find it bittersweet to end the adventure of a lifetime at Katahdin.
Many thanks to The Creak Of Boots blog, and, for the pictures.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

We are down to two Montana's and Backtrack.

Sno hiked on today. It's down to Sculler, Hollywood and Tripwire. It is another sad day for the team. But on a happier note, Sculler is still with her and Melissa is going to be meeting up with friends in Long Island this weekend. I'll be sending the next shipment with one of the people hooking up with her there. 10 days of food, Toe socks, Heartworm pill, and Frontline. Ticks have been an ongoing issue with Melissa and, even more so, Jordan. Fortunately it's the big ones and most don't bite before being caught and removed.

 They had enjoyed two days of slackpacking on Saturday and Sunday thanks, again, to trail angel Brian. Today they hiked with full packs because they didn't expect to be going back to Brian's house and enjoying another night in a real bed. But when they determined they were going to land in Warwick, NY, Brian pointed out that there is a Drive In there. They decided to drive down  memory lane to the Drive In tonight as opposed to getting an early start back on the trail. One more night at Brian's and back on the trail again.

From The A.T. Guide:  Mile 1354.2 NoBo.
Warwick Turnpike Warwick, NY 10990
2.7W to intersection with NY 94:
Also: Warwick Drive  In Theater. 1.5 miles farther north on NY 94 to downtown Warwick, where there are many restaurants and the post office and library.

Cars2 is playing at the Drive In tonight. Did they know Hollywood was coming?
Tomorrow looks like it is mostly flat ground so even though the day will be be in the 90's and with a late start due to movie madness, they could still get 20 miles in. They are now close enough that we get the weather they had two days ago. You know they are knocking on the door when their weather is ours.

Coconut is back on the trail!!! Tailwind let me know yesterday that she got back on the trail at Delaware Water Gap and is proceeding up the trail at her own pace. The Big Montana's most likely will not be able to reunite before Sculler has to head back to the work-a-day world. There is still a chance that Coconut will catch Hollywood before Katahdin. As Coconut hikes up the trail I will keep you apprised on her progress throughout the blog as well. Thanks to Tailwind for feeding me that information.

On Monday July 11, Hollywood and Tripwire head out on the trail alone again. I'm sure it won't take long for another group to start following Melissa and Jordan. They are the Pied Pipers of the Appalachian Trail.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Birthday Hollywood 29 is just a number

I was taken up with local responsibilities and was unable to put out a Happy Birthday post for Hollywood yesterday. So on behalf of all your followers, Happy 29th Melissa.
They were going to slackpack 25 miles thanks to trail angel Brian Feuer. But the rain told them differently. It was pouring badly and they weren't able to make the hike happen. As a consolation, they ate BBQ instead.

Despite the multi thousand calorie mega meals, beer, snacks, and all that other yummy stuff that makes us fat, Melissa is getting even skinnier as the days go by. Here she is at the beginning of the hike:
As you can see she is already in shape and you wouldn't think the trail would trim much more off of her.

And here she is now. I may not have chosen the best pictures as to represent how dramatic a change, but you can see overall that any signs of extra baggage has left the gate and been replaced by lean mean hiking muscle machine.


The latest stretch takes them through High Point State Park.

It has been tradition to go to Portsmouth and take in the Fireworks on Melissa's birthday. They usually set them off on July 3rd. Well this year, they heard that she wasn't going to be around and put them off until the fifth (That and some inclement weather loomed).  But despite that, down in New Jersey, the rumor of Hollywoods fame had preceded her and, lo and behold, fireworks for her birthday.

 So Happy Birthday Hollywood, 29 is just getting started. New York is calling all your names and the Big Apple wants to open it's arms and give you a big ol hug.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

So much has gone on this week.

As some of you know, the Big Montana's has suffered an upset. Christina (Coconut) has decided to take some time off the trail. Here is her FB post:
Needed a few days off, so I caught a bus (or 3) from Palmerton, PA to home. Gonna spend a little more time relaxing, resting my feet, and getting some vitamin R, then I'll be back in the boots to finish the last 932 miles. Washed my pack this afternoon..hopefully once it's dry it'll smell more like Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap and less like 3 months without deodorant.. 
So with Coconut off the trail for a while, Hollywood, Sno, Sculler and Tripwire took a zero day and headed out on the trail minus one core member. We all hope Coconut has a great rest and we hope she can catch back up with the gang eventually. Katahdin is calling them all. Sculler is leaving the trail on July 10 as well.

Back on the trail the crew has taken down 5 towns in six days and are now somewhere in the great state of New Jersey (Insert obligatory New Jersey joke here). They are around mile 1300 NoBo. They plan to make it into Branchville, NJ 1313.5 NoBo tomorrow. There are several campsites between mile 1290 and 1307.

They are in the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area. This link takes you to a map of the AT as it runs through the park: The AT through the park. They have had many days of sharp pointy rocks followed with delicious food in towns as the dark rolls in. On more than one hiking day, Sno and Hollywood end up donning their headlamps as it gets dark in order to catch up with Sculler.

The party continues up the trail. Sno's sombrero and neck radio providing the tunes and the mood. Although the radio stations they are listening to seem to play the same 10-15 songs all day long, this doesn't dissuade Hollywood, Sno, and Sculler from blasting the music and dancing up the trail.

Today marks month number three on the Appalachian Trail. They have hiked over 1300 miles and through 6 states in only 91 days. Hollywood and Tripwire will be back in less than 75 days.