Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One more day slackpacking. Holy 26 miles batman!

They got back on the trail today and took down 26 miles of Pennsylvania rocky trails.  The relatively flat terrain and weight reduction is making them light as feathers and swift as eagles.

You've heard a lot about them, and now you can place faces to the names.
On the left is Sculler and on the right, in the ever fashionable sombrero is Sno.

Here they are on the road to Duncannon, Pa. 1138.5 NoBo. They found a brief respite from the sun hanging out under a bridge.

This puts them close to a quarter of the way through Pennsylvania. These days they have been able to slackpack have meant lots of miles of trail burned up. The distance they put on today was through relatively urban terrain. The trail  dives straight back into the woods for the next 40+ miles. Rejoined as a team they are slicing through Pennsylvania like a knife through butter. 


  1. clearly they did not participate in the hike naked tradition on the summer solstice ... alas.

  2. all I could at my day job, without getting arrested that is.
