Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back on the trail. Goobye base camp and slack packing. New England here we come.

Sculler shot off a location report from the trail. They are back on in full pack mode. Today was 17 miles. From Swatara Gap to the Hertline Campsite 1190.9 NoBo. If you look at the map link on the right you can see that they had a pretty long stretch of woodland to hike in today. This is the first day they have had to return to full pack weight.

The Waterville Iron Bridge across Swatara Creek: I love the detailed work at the top.

A picture of the boulder field just before Hertlein Campsite: Yes, I did say Boulder Field.

The campsite has an old Dam at it and a nice frigid pond back up behind it. I couldn't find a picture I could freely post but if you click this link to a Google image search the first two pictures show you the pond and the cool rope swing. Looks like a perfect place to set up camp. This is only a small piece of the 100 mile stretch of ankle twisting, shoe eating trail that runs through Pennsylvania. They don't get much of a respite from the rocky trail until Delaware Water Gap 1285 NoBo. 

New milestone. They now have less than 1000 miles to go to reach Katahdin.


  1. The campsite is at Schubert gap, coincidentally, and the old dam is across Schubert Creek, and used to generate power for the nearby village of Schubert in the 40s. The slackpacking will continued again today - for the rest of the way to Port Clinton and dinner - courtesy of the Schubert family!

  2. Oh you helpful Schubert Family Trail Angels. You are so helpful that they named whole portions of the A.T. After you :-)
