Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Into the Shenandoah

Our crew spent Sunday in Waynseboro, Va 848.4 NoBo. It was a short day into town but the day was so oppressive, they decided an overnight in air conditioned comfort was essential. They are currently hiking through the Shenandoah National Park. The park is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Less than 150 miles to go and they will be out of Virginia. While hiking on the park, Jordan is going to have to be on leash. A bit of a change for Tripwire. I'm sure his trail name will prove true many many times since he has to remain tethered to Hollywood. 

I haven't heard from Melissa since before they hit Waynesboro. They spent their day off reconnecting with their friends on Facebook and calling home. I speak to her more regularly than anyone but her husband and it's is understandable to want contact everyone else. Plus, my talks are more like interviews than two way conversations. While in Waynesboro, they ate at the New Ming Garden Chinese Buffet. It is an AYCE (All You Can Eat) restaurant so, as you've read in previous posts, they loved it. Any chance to eat as much as you can when you easily burn up 3000 calories in a day of hiking is appreciated.

Air conditioning is a luxury item and when they stay in town they have been opting for a nice cool day inside with the AC as opposed to hanging out at the pool. They have had many days of the triple H's Hazy, hot, and humid. Ninety plus degree days and humidity close to 100%. Tomorrow will be another day in the oven. 

After a weekend hike with Pete's hiking partner and kids and Sunday afternoon off, Monday morning they likely dove back into the woods and on the trial. They can practically see the border of West Virginia. As soon as I get the fill in phone call, I will update the past days with additional details.

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