Thursday, July 07, 2011

Ups then Downs. Then ups then downs.

New York is proving to be the start of the big climbs. Today they put on 15 miles. five 700+ foot peaks and valleys over hard trails. Staying just off Bear Mountain. The closest campsite is the Hemlock Springs Campsite. 1397.8 NoBo.

They passed through the lowest point on the AT Mile 1395.1 NoBo.  There is a Trailside Museum and Zoo. No charge for thru-hikers but they don't allow dogs in. So Tripwire had to use the bypass This point is 124 ft above sea level. Way back two and a half months ago on April 21st, they were at the highest point, Clingmans dome 6643ft above sea level. The past few weeks they have been just as likely to go to sleep listening to highway noise and train whistles as crickets and night creatures.

A couple of Hollywood's friends, Mel and Marsh, are headed down to Long Island to meet up with her over the weekend. Marsh came by and picked up Jordan's next food drop. No postage fees for this one. Rest well trail weary hikers. The peaks and valleys continue tomorrow. Check out the the NY section of the site It gives you another taste of the beautiful acreage trhey are hiking through. There are pictures of the Lemon Squeezer sign and the world famous Lemon Squeezer itself.

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