Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Birthday Hollywood 29 is just a number

I was taken up with local responsibilities and was unable to put out a Happy Birthday post for Hollywood yesterday. So on behalf of all your followers, Happy 29th Melissa.
They were going to slackpack 25 miles thanks to trail angel Brian Feuer. But the rain told them differently. It was pouring badly and they weren't able to make the hike happen. As a consolation, they ate BBQ instead.

Despite the multi thousand calorie mega meals, beer, snacks, and all that other yummy stuff that makes us fat, Melissa is getting even skinnier as the days go by. Here she is at the beginning of the hike:
As you can see she is already in shape and you wouldn't think the trail would trim much more off of her.

And here she is now. I may not have chosen the best pictures as to represent how dramatic a change, but you can see overall that any signs of extra baggage has left the gate and been replaced by lean mean hiking muscle machine.


The latest stretch takes them through High Point State Park.

It has been tradition to go to Portsmouth and take in the Fireworks on Melissa's birthday. They usually set them off on July 3rd. Well this year, they heard that she wasn't going to be around and put them off until the fifth (That and some inclement weather loomed).  But despite that, down in New Jersey, the rumor of Hollywoods fame had preceded her and, lo and behold, fireworks for her birthday.

 So Happy Birthday Hollywood, 29 is just getting started. New York is calling all your names and the Big Apple wants to open it's arms and give you a big ol hug.

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