Monday, May 09, 2011

Happy Birthday Julia Childs

Christina's birthday is tomorrow, May 10th. So I have a cool birthday story to relate. 

Christina's dad, Pete 'Tailwind', and his wife Margaret came up to meet with the girls to celebrate Christina's birthday with her this past weekend. 

They brought her fresh strawberry shortcake Friday night and homemade chocolate cheesecake Saturday night. Also had Margaritas and Guacamole and Mexican food for dinner. She much enjoyed all!

Pete relayed the following about hiking down to meet up with the Kickin Cousins. 
"It was great! hiking SoBo on Friday to meet them heading NoBo was a hoot - 3 miles carrying a 8 pound tray of fresh strawberries in one hand, a bag of fresh asparagus in the other (Julia needed fresh ingredients ;-) and of course wearing m...y full pack. Gave trail magic to all NoBos I encountered on the way - which was many. Meanwhile, Margaret hiked in to the campsite on crutches with 2 broken bones in her foot. One of the NoBos I met, on learning I was not really a SoBo but heading to meet someone, said "they must be real special if you are backtracking. No one backtracks." He was right on both points!"

Happy birthday Christina, I know you'll have lots of birthday wishes both on and off the trail.  

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