Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tracking Tripwire and Hollywood up the map

At Melissa's former workplace they are tracking the progression as they all head up the trail. Doreen, one of the people where she worked, kindly sent me a couple pictures of the map they have put up to track Jordan and Melissa's progress. Here is the map in its entirety as it sits on the wall.

I love the marker they made of our intrepid heroes. Here it is in closeup. How awesome is that? I've asked Doreen to keep sending me pictures as they move up the trail. I like to add as much depth to their experience as I can since this will be a kind of journal for them to peruse once the trail is through and they are sharing all the memories.

If you have some interesting pictures, or stories you think would be nice to add, feel free to email me at .

They did 26 miles yesterday!! They pulled off the Shenandoah's, all 106 miles of it, in five days. Today is a zero day in Front Royal, Va where the Blue Ridge Mountains meet the Shenandoah river. A well earned day off to get out of the heat and rest their feet.

1 comment:

  1. I remain incredibly impressed with the Kickin' Cousins! And not just because they are my daughter and my niece.
