Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So many pictures, so many stories, and so little time.

I'm going to start putting some slide shows up of the trip over the next few days. Hollywood and Julia Childs have uploaded a ton of pictures while they are in Damascus. I'll break them up over the posts so the blog loads as fast as possible for you.
I'll start with our Hero Jordan and all of his buddies he has been meeting and playing with on the trail. They are only very roughly in order. I will have to wait for Melissa to reorder them to exactly match their progress along the trail. Kiwi, Torque, Giuseppe, several more we haven't met and a lot of their humans.

1 comment:

  1. Trip Wire has this habit of preparing himself a proper resting spot by digging the ground to fluff it up and also expose the cool, damp soil. He always does this oblivious to anyone/thing around him - although it is usually in the shade. He abhors lying in the sun. Once, on my first stint hiking with them, I was sitting on a log at lunch, I think at Sassafras Gap in Georgia, when Trip Wire suddenly started "preparing his nest", throwing black nasty dirt all over me, my food, my hat, my pack, etc. He couldn't have covered my and my stuff more if he tried - it was hilarious - an humiliating. I got over it - nothing personal, or so I thought. Fast forward to last weekend - slackpacking and we stopped for lunch. I slice open my roll, slice up some cheese and salami, start to put it all together, when suddenly I notice black dirt landing everywhere on my food. Sure enough, there's Trip Wire making his nest behind me. Black trail soil in every nook and cranny of my sourdough roll - I know I ate quite a lot that I couldn't get out (I was not about to throw away the food, and certainly was NOT going to give it to him!). Meanwhile he just sat there, content and cool and composed, maybe smiling a little inside ...
