Friday, April 08, 2011

Pictures along the trail including our hero, Jordan, in his cool Backpack.

 Hollywood uploaded me a few pictures from Hiawassee. I had asked her to upload the full size images so she couldn't upload them all due to time and bandwidth restrictions. I asked her to tell us the locations the next time she can e-mail. So without further ado, here they are:

Jordan the Wonder Dog chillin like Bob Dylan
 Our first picture of J-dog. YEAH!!  Rockin the cool orange doggy backpack. This may be the calmest most sedate picture I've ever seen of him. He is posing all professional like for the camera.

Southern Terminus Springer Mountain

This one was taken when they started out. As you can see by the plaque on the rock if you look at the full size version, this is the Southern Terminus at Springer Mountain. Our intrepid trio as they head out on an adventure of a lifetime.

Top of Springer Mountain

Taking a break at the top of Springer mountain. Is it me or do you also see a real family resemblance between Melissa and Christina?
Christina, Dennis, Pete, Melissa, and in the front row, Jordan the Wonder Dog.
This is the first picture of the whole group together. With the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in the background, I'm so happy they were able to get someone to take a picture of all of them together. We now have a face to all the names.Julia Child, Y-Knot (the original), Tailwind, Hollywood, and Tripwire.

Next Mail drop will be:
Standing Bear Farm Hiker Hostel
3255 Green Corner Rd.
Hartford, Tn 37753

28 Cups will be going out along with a few treats for Jordan. Some Cow Ears, Sweet Potato chews, and a several different kinds of biscuits. 

JTWD aka Tripwire
 Jordan Looks pretty excited to be out of his pack for a while. No rest Big Dog, tomorrow is another long day of new adventures along the trail.

From Facebook this morning:
Melissa Chamberlain Jordan is doing great! Damn dog, we should put more weight in his pack haha he's having a great time. His trail name is trip wire because he's constantly trying to take me out. I haven't had a real computer until today, all posts and comments have been done with my phone. Posting pics now :)

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