Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Good and Bad News

So it is a good AND bad day for me today. I finally got the call I've been both dreading and wishing for. My Dad has been found. Although he hasn't been positively identified, I already talked to the Warden's Service and they are certain it's him. He was found WAY outside the original search area.
The man who found him knows that area very well and had been searching for my father off and on since his disappearance. Bob Wright, I can't thank you enough for finding my father. I'll know more of the details soon and will be able to start with the healing process. But thankfully, the mystery is solved.
He apparantely made it most of the way out to Rte. 1 before collapsing in exhaustion.
It's likely he died the very night he set out to get help. We can finally have a funeral for him and put him next to my mother.