Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Dad

This was the last picture ever taken of my father. He was lost in the Woods of Northern Maine a day after this was taken. That was September 16, 2004.
There is still much mystery as to what happened to him. Theories range from Got lost while bushwhacking in the woods to Made it out to Rte 1 and was picked up by some nefarious person and he was killed and dropped somewhere else.
My Dad taught me respect for the woods and the area he got lost in was familiar to him. He WOULDN'T have struck off into the woods unless there was a very good reason. He was an avid walker and could have made it out the two miles from where his car was found to Route 1.
His Girlfriend was found dead in the car. She apparantely died from a combination of Starvation / Dehydration / and Diabetic Coma. I Know he was trying to help her when he came about whatever fate happened to him.
It's been over a year without any new clues. I miss him every day.